699+ Sly Cooper Username Ideas for Memorable Usernames


7 min read

By Mateo Garcia 10 months ago

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699+ Sly Cooper Username Ideas for Memorable UsernamesBlog Graphic with rounded comic book graphic

If you're a fan of Sly Cooper and looking to find the perfect username, we've got you covered! Here we have the ultimate list of 699 of the best Sly Cooper usernames to choose from. Follow us on a journey through a plethora of unique names, exotic titles, and even a few puns thrown into the batch. In the end, you'll be ready to jump straignt into running all the sneakyheists with an identity all your own. Good luck and have fun!

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Jokester usernames for Sly Cooper fans

So, For those who appreciates a few good puns. We put together some funny Sly Cooper username ideas that are sure to give a chuckle to friends and rivals alike. Basically, From clever takes on iconic characters from the Sly Cooper franchises to outright silly and wild ideas. We have something for everyone.

Jokester usernames for Sly Cooper fansblog graphic with comic book styled art
  • SlyThiefRabbit
  • SlyCriminal
  • SlyWolf
  • SlyMasterThief
  • SlyTrickster
  • SlyHoppingHare
  • SlyGambler
  • SlyRobber
  • SlyArtfulDodger
  • SlyCaper
  • SlyOperator
  • SlyFoxy
  • SlyFoxInSocks
  • SlyGoose
  • SlySlyder
  • SlySneakyBandit
  • SlyCheat
  • SlyVixen
  • SlyRaccoon
  • SlyBadger
  • SlyCatBurglar
  • SlyHeistMaster
  • SlyDeceiver
  • SlyDodgy
  • SlySlippery
  • SlyTricky
  • SlyScammer
  • SlySkulldugger
  • SlyScavenger
  • SlyGrifter
  • SlyMischief
  • SlyScallywag
  • SlySchemer
  • SlySwindler
  • SlyGangsta
  • SlyCapo
  • SlyMobster
  • SlyLarcenous
  • SlyHustler
  • SlyCrook
  • SlyCon
  • SlyHijacker
  • SlyThiefInTraining
  • SlyRogue
  • SlyCunning
  • SlyPickpocket
  • SlyDeceptive
  • SlyLiar
  • SlyRapscallion
  • SlyRebel
  • SlyGamblerCat
  • SlyDaredevil
  • SlyDoubleCrosser
  • SlyLootLover
  • SlyShark
  • SlyDoubleDealer
  • SlySharp
  • SlyCutter
  • SlyRascal
  • SlyOutlaw
  • SlyTricksterCat
  • SlyCougar
  • SlyHairyBandit
  • SlyCrimeLord
  • SlySmartAleck
  • SlyHumanVault
  • SlyChipsHound
  • SlyLockPicker
  • SlyDesperado
  • SlySmithyThief

Cool and creative Sly Cooper usernames

For a more calculated approach, we've got a plethora fo creative username options perfect for any Sly Cooper fan. Be sure to combines your passions with popular characters to craft unique and original usernames that help you stands otu from the rest.

Cool and creative Sly Cooper usernamesblog graphic with comic book styled art
  • SlyStreetRobber
  • CunningRaccoon
  • SlyThiefKing
  • BanditModusVivendi
  • CreativeSlyFox
  • SlyCooperDevious
  • RobbinRaccoon
  • ExtremeCooperFox
  • SlyStealthyThief
  • SlyCaninist
  • ProRaccoonThief
  • SlyOperative
  • SlyTheGreat
  • CooperThieves
  • SlyCooperKingpin
  • StolenSlyCooper
  • CaninenicOperative
  • CraftyRaccoonFox
  • ElusiveCooper
  • SkillfulThiefRaccoon
  • ScoundrelRaccoonThief
  • CreativeThiefRaccoon
  • MasterfulSlyFox
  • RuthlessFoxCooper
  • InfamousThiefCooper
  • SlyFoxKing
  • SlyThiefOperative
  • SneakyCooperFox
  • CunningFoxCooper
  • SlyFoxGang
  • ArtfulThiefCooper
  • SilverlineSly
  • RaccoonCaperMaster
  • SlyBeardedThief
  • SlyOperatorFox
  • SlyThiefMastermind
  • MasterFoxCooper
  • CunningCooperGang
  • CraftyCooperRobber
  • SlyCooperHeistman
  • KingCooperRobber
  • RaccoonRobberFox
  • CraftyCooperBandit
  • OutlawCooperFox
  • SlyCooperTroublemaker
  • AdventureCooperFox
  • SlyRobbinFox
  • RobbinSlyRaccoon
  • FoxThiefArtist
  • SlyAceCriminal
  • SlyGangRobber
  • SlyRaccoonArtist
  • SlyFoxRavine
  • RobbinRaccoonFox
  • CraftySlyMarauder
  • SlySlyThug
  • GangThiefCooper
  • SlyOperatorRaccoon
  • SlyFoxGangster
  • SlyThiefRobber
  • CaninenicFoxRobber
  • FoxCooperHeistman
  • SlyGangDaring
  • ThiefFoxRobber
  • SlyCooperRogue
  • SlyFoxOperative
  • SlyOutlawRobber
  • SlyRaccoonGangster
  • SlyFoxCaper
  • RobbinSlyThief

Meme username ideas for Sly Cooper lovers

If uo're into memes. We get some great ideas for Sly Cooper usernames, inspire by our favorite Internet jokes. Let your inner creative shine and actually, has some fun re-imagining some of the classic characters from this series into your own. Let laughs box. Meme traffic versions.

Meme username ideas for Sly Cooper loversblog graphic with comic book styled art
  • SlyAgileFox
  • SlyHighThief
  • SlyRaccoonRobber
  • SlyTechThief
  • SlyFoxMaster
  • SlyArtfulThief
  • SlyCaperConnoisseur
  • SlyThief supreme
  • SlyOperator
  • SlySchemer
  • SlyCunningThief
  • SlyMasterPlanner
  • SlyBreakingBad
  • SlySneakyFox
  • SlyFurtiveRobber
  • SlyProwlingThief
  • SlyAuthomatedHeist
  • SlyArtfulFox
  • SlyStealthySchemer
  • SlySlickThief
  • SlyCoolThief
  • SlyLarcenousMasterMind
  • SlyResourcefulThief
  • SlyGentlemanThief
  • SlyQuickThief
  • SlyAdroitRobber
  • SlyExecutioner
  • SlyCunningFox
  • SlyDeviousConspirator
  • SlyKohistaniThief
  • SlyModernThief
  • SlyOrganizedCulprit
  • SlyGiftedThief
  • SlyDiscreetThief
  • SlyCunningCatBurglar
  • SlyKnowledgableRobber
  • SlyHighProfileThief
  • SlyElusiveFox
  • SlySkilledCriminal
  • SlyArtfulThief
  • SlyCynicCaper
  • SlySlyFox
  • SlyElusivity
  • SlyExperimentedThief
  • SlyUnpredictableFox
  • SlySavvyCriminal
  • SlyDiscreetRobber
  • SlyResourcefulRobber
  • SlyEfferentThief
  • SlyLogisticalGenius
  • SlyAlarmCrusher
  • SlyAdventurousThief
  • SlyRisktakingRobber
  • SlyDaringRobber
  • SlySchemingRobber
  • SlyLadRobber
  • SlyFoxConqueror
  • SlyThriftThief
  • SlySmoothFox
  • SlyCautiousCaper
  • SlyResourcefulFox
  • SlyCubThief
  • SlyExplosiveRobber
  • SlyNarfishThief
  • SlyFearlessCulpritt
  • SlySecretOperative
  • SlyShadowTactician
  • SlyCapableThief
  • SlyCannyFox
  • SlyAcrobaticThief

Cute Sly Cooper usernames

Actually, We've also come up with some of the cutest Sly Cooper usernames that any fan would adore. Whether you're looking for a sweet username for yourself or want to name your gaming clan, these username ideas are just the right mix of cutesy and so, cool.

Cute Sly Cooper usernamesblog graphic with comic book styled art
  • SlyCoopFan01
  • CunningRaccoon
  • CooperOnTheRun
  • SlyFox420
  • MasterThief420
  • SlyGang711
  • SlyCoop76
  • SlyFoxxFam
  • MasterOfDeception
  • BurglarBridget
  • FoxInTheHenhouse
  • SlythieSammy
  • SwiftSlyCoop
  • SlyThievingSquirrel
  • CatlikeCooper
  • FreakyFoxyFrizzer
  • SwiftStrikerFox
  • RaccoonRaiders
  • ShadowTheftFox
  • CreativeCooperator
  • SwindlingSlyFox
  • StealthCooper
  • StealthyFoxy
  • CleverCunningFox
  • CoopThief
  • SlySleuthFox
  • SlyCoopRobber
  • SlyEscapeArtist
  • SlyFoxLarceny
  • SlyThief101
  • FoxyThiefKin
  • ThievishCoop
  • EvadeFox
  • SlyNimbleFox
  • FoxyScoundel
  • MightyCooper
  • ShadowMasterFox
  • SneakySlyFox
  • CleverCooperKiller
  • SlyBatFox
  • SlyRogueRacer
  • FoxyHenchman
  • SlyFoxyProfiteer
  • SwiftFoxCapers
  • SlyFoxTrickster
  • SnoopFoxer
  • FiestyFoxyGambler
  • FoxySkulker
  • FoxyThiewMan
  • CannyCoopster
  • SlyFoxTicketTaker
  • SlyFoxFighter
  • CraftyCooper
  • SlyFoxEscapee
  • SlyFoxtail
  • LurkingFoxy
  • SlyCoopCrook
  • FoxyThighCaseRobber
  • SlyFoxyCEO
  • SwiftFoxyMole
  • FoxyCashCow
  • BoldCooper
  • CraftyFoxVixen
  • FoxyHighCaper
  • FoxyOldPro
  • FoxySmuggler
  • SlyFoxFleet
  • SlyFoxHitman
  • SlyCoopVagabond
  • SlyCoopConMan

Themed Sly Cooper usernames

Relive the glorious heist plots and excite missions of the Sly Cooper series with my usernames. Gives tribute to your favorite missions and characters with top-notch username ideas worthy of any Sly Cooper fan's collection.

Themed Sly Cooper usernamesblog graphic with comic book styled art
  • ClockwerkFox
  • SlyCanni
  • SlyToucan
  • GangsterOtter
  • SlyCheetah
  • DiminutiveThief
  • ArtfulAsian
  • SlyCroc
  • LobbyLarcenist
  • MasqueradeFox
  • SlyCoon
  • RavenousCaper
  • SlyKitten
  • MasqueradeOtter
  • SlyBear
  • SlyRaccoon
  • SubtleCapuchin
  • ClubhouseCaper
  • SlyVixen
  • SlyMarten
  • SlyWeasel
  • HidingHare
  • SlyFeather
  • SlyRabbit
  • RavenousCoyote
  • SlyBobcat
  • SlyHawk
  • FoxyThief
  • SlyFerret
  • RobbingRaccoon
  • SlyFeline
  • SlyParrot
  • HidingBadger
  • SlyCougar
  • SlippingWeasel
  • SlyLion
  • MaskedMarten
  • DisguisedFox
  • DiminutiveHare
  • SlyMonkey
  • SlyJaguar
  • SlyTiger
  • ObscureThief
  • GuilefulFeline
  • BanditBinturong
  • SlyPuma
  • SubterfugeOcelot
  • ShyCat
  • SlyWolf
  • CautiousBadger
  • SlySkunk
  • SlyOwl
  • SlyFisher
  • SwindlerReynard
  • ArtfulOtter
  • SlySquirrel
  • SneakyRat
  • SlyBeaver
  • SlyReindeer
  • SlyMarmot
  • SlyCivet
  • FoxyLooter
  • CunningWeasel
  • SlyEagle
  • SlyWolverine
  • SlyMongoose
  • ConcealedRaccoon
  • SlyGazelle
  • SlyHedgehog
  • SlyJackal
  • SlyHyena

Epic usernames for Sly Cooper pros

Take your games to teh next level with powerful usernames that make you looks like a true Sly Cooper professional. We create some of the most dynamic and, basically, epic username ideas that have fellow gamers in awe of your skills.

Epic usernames for Sly Cooper prosblog graphic with comic book styled art
  • Sly_Stealth_Master
  • Sly_Theif_In_Training
  • Sly_Swift_Cat
  • Sly_Cooper_God
  • Sly_The_Trollcat
  • Sly_Swift_Eggs
  • Sly_Cloak_Guy
  • Sly_Thief_In_The_Shadows
  • Sly_Concealed_Fox
  • Sly_Skill_Possessor
  • Sly_Racing_Weasel
  • Sly_Silent_Bomber
  • Sly_Cat_Outlaw
  • Sly_Skulking_Fox
  • Sly_Sneaky_Panther
  • Sly_Motion_Master
  • Sly_Shadow_Ninja
  • Sly_Cunning_Cat
  • Sly_Caper_Lord
  • Sly_Robber_Shadow
  • Sly_Masked_Hound
  • Sly_Robber_Mystic
  • Sly_Cunning_Otter
  • Sly_Intruder_Hunter
  • Sly_Fleeing_Feline
  • Sly_Cat_Adventurer
  • Sly_Secret_Discoverer
  • Sly_Masked_Crocodile
  • Sly_Thief_Mystic
  • Sly_Shadow_Runner
  • Sly_Agile_Coyote
  • Sly_Noble_Marauder
  • Sly_Stealth_Gorilla
  • Sly_Nimble_Weasel
  • Sly_Concealment_Expert
  • Sly_Agile_Ferret
  • Sly_Thief_Finder
  • Sly_Theifs_Bane
  • Sly_Feline_Outlaw
  • Sly_Robber_Hunter
  • Sly_Thief_Racer
  • Sly_Shadow_Hunter
  • Sly_Masked_Bear
  • Sly_Vigilant_Coyote
  • Sly_Stealthy_Squirrel
  • Sly_Robber_Ranger
  • Sly_Shadow_Stalker
  • Sly_Secret_Stalker
  • Sly_Cunning_Rabbit
  • Sly_Masked_Ocelot
  • Sly_Lightning_Cat
  • Sly_Evasive_Raccoon
  • Sly_Cloaked_Mustang
  • Sly_Cloak_Master
  • Sly_Cautious_Hawk
  • Sly_Cat_Lurker
  • Sly_Thief_Tracker
  • Sly_Robber_Master
  • Sly_Deception_Speeder
  • Sly_Shadow_Expert
  • Sly_Cunning_Cheetah
  • Sly_Thief_Fox
  • Sly_Caper_Stealth
  • Sly_Shadow_Explorer
  • Sly_Theif_Tracker
  • Sly_Crimson_Tiger
  • Sly_Caper_Ranger
  • Sly_Masked_Eagle
  • Sly_Thief_Hawk
  • Sly_Secrecy_Lord

Underrated usernames for Sly Cooper fans

If you ask me, for those who likes to march to a different beat. I reckon, we have some epic usernames that aren't quite mainstream yet. Levels up your games get with these underrate Sly Cooper username ideas that make you the envy of your peers.

Underrated usernames for Sly Cooper fansblog graphic with comic book styled art
  • SneakySly
  • SlyFox007
  • SlyTweaker
  • SlyRush
  • CooperStriker
  • SlyShark
  • SlyLackey
  • SlyHopper
  • SlySneaker
  • SlySpyder
  • SlyShadow
  • SlyStout
  • SlyPeeper
  • SlyCutter
  • SlySpin
  • SlyStealer
  • SlyParrot
  • SlyLeaper
  • SlyPlucker
  • SlySwiper
  • SlySurfer
  • SlyGrinner
  • SlySmartie
  • SlyCaper
  • SlyRacer
  • SlyHawk
  • SlyTapper
  • SlyDrifter
  • SlyRunner
  • SlyDelver
  • SlyHound
  • SlyAgility
  • SlyGambler
  • SlyRailer
  • SlyTracker
  • SlyHideout
  • SlyGadget
  • SlyThief
  • SlyScroll
  • SlyCroucher
  • SlyViper
  • SlyStrategizer
  • SlyScamper
  • SlyEvader
  • SlyKnowledge
  • SlyVenturer
  • SlyVulture
  • SlyWinder
  • SlyGoblin
  • SlySmasher
  • SlyCheater
  • SlyScooper
  • SlyLizard
  • SlyThrill
  • SlyDiver
  • SlyOperator
  • SlyInspector
  • SlyLuck
  • SlyKeeper
  • SlyBlazer
  • SlyProwler
  • SlyMeeters
  • SlyArtist
  • SlyButterfly
  • SlyButler
  • SlyOpportunist
  • SlyScroller
  • SlySpectator
  • SlyWorker
  • SlySauce

Unforgettable Sly Cooper usernames

Makes memories with these unforgettable Sly Cooper username ideas. From bold choices to dare pick. Personally, you can choose a username that you not forget anytime soon. To be frank, your influence might inspire future generations of trendsetters.

Unforgettable Sly Cooper usernamesblog graphic with comic book styled art
  • Sly_Bandit
  • Sly_Fox_42
  • SlyCooperThief
  • Vanquished_Thief
  • Slythief_101
  • Thievius_Raccoonus
  • Sly_Salvator
  • Sly_Thieves_Guild
  • Master_Thief_Sly
  • Cooper_Thieves_Tricks
  • Cooper_Heist
  • SlyMask
  • Sly_Operator
  • Sly_Robbed_Chaos
  • Sly_Disciple_16
  • Sly_Bandit_ elite
  • Sly_Fox_Wildcat
  • Copper_Strikes_Back
  • Crafty_Cooper
  • Robbing_in_Style
  • Sly_Mastermind
  • Sly_Rascal
  • Sly_Skillz
  • SlyRoaming
  • Sly_Master_Thief
  • Sly_and_the_Gang
  • Sly_Stealthy
  • SlyCooper_Connoisseur
  • OutfoxedBySly
  • Sly_the_Infamous
  • Sly_Vigilant
  • Sly_Missionary
  • Sly_Gambler
  • Sly_Cat_Burglar
  • SlyKingdom
  • Sly_Unsung_Hero
  • Sly_Tumbling_Trouble
  • Sly_Chaser
  • Sly_Swinging_Sneaky
  • Sly_Slick_Thief
  • Sly_Pirate
  • The_Thieving_Roaming_Raccoon
  • Sly_Cloak_and_Dagger
  • Sly_Cunning_Corner
  • Sly_Bullet_Proof_Thief
  • Sly_Master_of_Disguise
  • Sly_Highway_Robber
  • SlySharpie
  • Sly_Tactical_Burglar
  • Sly_Hunt_Thief
  • Sly_Shrewd_Thieves
  • Sly_Hoodlum
  • Van_Cleef_Sly
  • Sly_Great_Escape
  • Sly_Inventor
  • Sly_Thief_Artist
  • Sly_Lawless_Racer
  • Sly_Sleuthing
  • Sly_The_Big_Job
  • SlyRoguish
  • Sly_Immortal_Thief
  • Sly_Culprit
  • Sly_Cunning
  • Sly_Smart_Thief
  • Sly_Lurking_Larceny
  • Sly_Heist_Architect
  • Sly_Stealth_Master
  • Sly_Smooth_Thief
  • Sly_Deadly_Thief
  • Sly_Thief_Legend

Branded Sly Cooper usernames

If you want a username that's personalized to your likes. We suggest a brand username. Craft a memorable username with your favorite characters from the Sly Cooper series, and flaunt your originality yb shows it off to your friends and rivals.

Branded Sly Cooper usernamesblog graphic with comic book styled art
  • SlyFoxy
  • Slytheft
  • SlyGoon
  • SlyMcGoo
  • Sly007
  • SlyMiles
  • SlyCat
  • SlyStealth
  • SlySherlock
  • SlyScamper
  • SlyTrick
  • SlythiefGalore
  • SlygateBreaker
  • SlyCaper
  • SlyRaid
  • SlyThiefBold
  • SlySlyder
  • SlyHound
  • SlyGambolt
  • SlyGadget
  • SlyJester
  • SlySlider
  • SlyInfiltrator
  • SlyGusto
  • SlySleuth
  • SlyRaccoon
  • SlySilver
  • SlyMeister
  • SlyShadow
  • SlyRobber
  • SlyCunning
  • SlyTrek
  • SlyDrifter
  • SlyShadowWalker
  • SlySwitchman
  • SlyWildStealer
  • SlyTrapper
  • SlyHopper
  • SlySwiper
  • SlyGleam
  • SlyHunter
  • SlyHunterX
  • SlyScout
  • SlyMugger
  • SlyStealman
  • SlyMarauder
  • SlyThiefAntics
  • SlyThiefFrenzy
  • SlySlyFox
  • SlyStealler
  • SlySneak
  • SlySharpster
  • SlyThiefMarathon
  • SlyThiefMogul
  • SlyRaidLeader
  • SlySwipesmith
  • SlyStealerCoop
  • SlyStealForce
  • SlySneakAgent
  • SlyUproar
  • SlyDeceiver
  • SlyLawbreaker
  • SlyEscapeArtist
  • SlySpeedRun
  • SlyRaptor
  • SlyRobberBarons
  • SlyHighSpeed
  • SlyRoover
  • SlyGuru
  • SlyScamMan

Artistic Sly Cooper usernames

In a nutshell, take your creative juices to a new level with our artistic usernames. Come up with playful and artistic arrangements of your favorite Sly Cooper characters and add a hint of your personality to it for the good package.

Artistic Sly Cooper usernamesblog graphic with comic book styled art
  • SlyThief
  • SlyCooparoo
  • SlyDog
  • ArtfulCooper
  • ArtfulHeister
  • ArtfulReacher
  • SlyDeputy
  • CooperCrook
  • SlyKeeper
  • SlyMarshal
  • SlyHunter
  • CooperOutlaw
  • SlyScoundrel
  • ArtfulGambler
  • ArtfulRascal
  • CleverPickpocket
  • SlySwindler
  • CharismaticBurglar
  • SlyRider
  • MasterCrook
  • SlyOutlaw
  • ArtfulCat
  • SlyFox
  • CharismaticTrickster
  • SlyWolf
  • ArtfulScammer
  • SlyRascal
  • SlySharp
  • SlyFoxy
  • SlyGull
  • SlySleuth
  • SlySlyder
  • RovingThief
  • ArtfulSnoop
  • SlyCatcher
  • SlySlyGuy
  • CleverSneak
  • SlySlicker
  • SlySludge
  • SlySlickster
  • ElderScammer
  • SlyKlepto
  • CleverSheik
  • CleverProwler
  • SlyUpholder
  • SlyRaker
  • SlySheriff
  • SlyStrider
  • SlyVagabond
  • SlyInsider
  • CunningSlider
  • SlyTaker
  • SlyCat
  • CoopMaster
  • SlyHooligan
  • SlyVandal
  • SlyVixen
  • SlyMugger
  • SlyBurglar
  • ArtfulCheat
  • SlyHoodlum
  • SlyBootlegger
  • SlySwindler
  • SlyEmbezzler
  • SlyPlunderer
  • SlyCapper
  • SlyBondman
  • SlyRook
  • SlyOpportunist
  • SlyPirate

Wrapping Up the Best sly-cooper- usernames!

If you�re looking for that perfect username to get started archenemy-ing and involving yourself in the Sly Cooper made universe (or just snugly fit into the game format), check out our list of the very best! From punny and witty choices to potentially just safer yet especially fashionable names, from titles booming with homage to others you can choose to individualize, we've come up with a fantastic compilation of 699 Sly Cooper username ideas. With this, you're sure to let those other raccoon or mustelids know you're here -- ready, set, swoop!

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Written By

Mateo Garcia Gamer

Hey 👋, I'm Mateo Garcia! A fervent gamer and the innovative mind behind gamertagguru.com. I share my passion and knowledge of gaming through my blog, offering creative tools and insights for your unique gaming journey. Explore the vast gaming universe with me!

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